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Tel: 970-817-3426
Fax: 970-449-0427
Welcome to Lifesong Counseling
"Calm is a tool in your back pocket, anytime you need it." Author Unknown

Lifesong Counseling of Colorado and Wyoming provides quality care for individuals, relationships, and group therapy.
Dissociative Disorders
Borderline Personality Disorder
Relationship Issues​

What We Do
EMDR/Somatic Therapies
Early Childhood Attachment Therapy for adults
Individual, Adult, and Geriatric Counseling
Relationship Counseling
CBT, DBT, and Trauma Therapies

Eye Movement DesensitizationReprocessing (EMDR)A gentle, yet powerful, form of therapy that promotes acceptance for ourselves and our situations as they are. Resolves issues impacting you since childhood as well as clearing up recent adverse lire events with a minimal amount of the distress talk therapy often produces.
Early Trauma ProcessingAn early childhood trauma method of EMDR that teaches the use of containment and a sense of safety to reset the circuits affected by the early trauma as well as clearing any early trauma.
Developmental NeedsMeeting StrategyAn ego state therapy that aims to find healthy adult parts of self (healthy egos) and use those healthy parts to help heal the wounded child parts of self (unhealthy ego).
Ego State TherapyIdentifies and names different facets of a personality and aims to integrate all of these personality "parts" so that they will work together.
Dialectal Behavioral Therapy (DBT)A modified form of cognitive behavioral therapy that is designed to help those who are suffering from mood disorders as well as unhealthy behavior patterns. The patient learns triggers for their behaviors as well as coping strategies to use when triggered.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)Used to change unhealthy thoughts, beliefs and attitudes about self and others.
Gestalt TherapyA humanistic form of therapy that teaches mindfulness and how to react to situations as they are actually happening as opposed to what might be, could be or should have been.
Humanistic TherapyBy tapping into a person's innate goodness and potential, teaches how to mindfully act in situations rather than be reactionary.
Somatic TherapiesThis method recognizes the association between the physical body and the mind, and focuses on releasing pain and body dysfunction to heal trauma.

Please complete a client intake form before your initial visit.
Contact Us
We look forward to being a part of your journey!

Clinic Addresses
Lifesong Counseling
1520 Logan Ave.
Cheyenne, WY 82001
Lifesong Counseling
3450 Lost Lake Place, I-3
Fort Collins, CO 80528
Clinic Hours
Mon - Fri
8:00 am – Variable
Sat - Sun
By Appointment
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